Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Stone Mountain Christmas

We went to Stone Mountain, Georgia on Saturday. It was worth the two hour drive. There was so much to do and we didn't even see all of the shows. We started with a fried chicken lunch. It is the south. We watched the Polar Express 4D experience. Tyler and Ethan loved it. It spit water out at you and it smelled like hot chocolate at the right moments. We rode the cable lift to the top of the mountain. We only spent a few minutes at the top. It was so cold!

We visited Hilda the Christmas Goat. He was a cartoon character that interacted with the kids. He talked to Tyler and called him by name. Tyler just thought that was amazing. We rode the train and played mini golf. My favorite part was the unlimited hot chocolate. We ended the evening with the laser light show. It was a great way to celebrate the holidays.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I know it has been a few weeks since Thanksgiving, but I'm just now getting around to posting pictures. My mom and dad came down from Ohio and my sister, Jessica, came over from Nashville. It was an amazing weekend. We spent Thanksgiving at my brother's house. His wife, Jennifer, did a great job organizing everything and opening up her home. My sister made the great centerpieces and the table was beautiful.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon outside. Our friend from Nashville, Wild Bill, brought the kids scooters. They rode up and down the street all afternoon. Chris even took a turn on Bill's remote controlled skateboard. Thank you to my family for such a great weekend. I love you all.
My Amazing Husband

Yesterday, December 7th, was our 13th anniversary. I wanted to take this opportunity to brag on my husband. Chris is an amazing father. He constantly spends time with our boys throwing baseball or rough housing in the yard. He took them to a movie on Sunday so I could have the house for my monthly book club. He even missed the games on TV that day. What a man!

Chris is an amazing husband. He does all of the laundry and it magically appears in my drawer folded. He cleaned the house on Saturday for my book club friends, including the bathrooms. (You know this is a huge undertaking if you have little boys.)

On Sunday, Pastor Seals gave the husbands helpful hints on how to be a blessing to their wives. Chris nailed everyone on the list. He makes the coffee in the morning and gets the kids ready for school. He even takes the kids to school in the morning.

I know by now you are asking, "What does Amber do?" Honestly, not much. Chris is a true servant and leads our family by showing sacrificial love. I am truly blessed to be married to such an incredible man.

Chris: I can't wait to spend the next 13 years with you! I love you!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Turkey Shoot

(No turkeys were harmed during the making of this memory.)

Our church held a turkey shoot for the children today. Chris took Ethan so he could learn about gun safety. After a brief training session, they allowed the kids to shoot at a target three times for a practice round. After that, they held the turkey shoot competition. First place was a frozen turkey, second place was turkey bacon, and third place was a package of turkey hot dogs. Ethan won third place for his age division. I told Ethan that his Papa in Ohio would be so proud of him. I may have to drive him up to Ohio in a few years to have Papa teach him how to hunt. I would love to have freezer full of deer meat.

Monday, November 02, 2009

HalloweenTinker Bell & Peter Pan
(Tyler had a Tinker Bell on his shoulder too)

Our church had a harvest party this year. It was supposed to be a trunk or treat but it was moved inside due to rain. I was so proud of our church. Pastor Chris arranged a great evening and did a wonderful job. There were blow up bouncy toys in the gym and games. Everyone got candy just for participating. (My kind of party.) There was a band performing in another room. Tyler was called on stage to perform with them. In typical Tyler style, he stole the show. He sang and danced his heart out and the band gave him a cd.

Tyler on stage

Wendy, Peter Pan, Captain Hook, the Crocodile

There was a parade of costumes and lots of candy. (I love candy!) Our good friends, the Mann's, joined us for the evening. It was a blast! There was a costume contest and our family won! I was shocked. We won a Wii from the church. It was a great night. I told the boys that we will use the Wii to help buy a PS3. I think my husband is more excited about this then the boys. It would be unbearable if we had to watch the new Star Trek on anything but blue ray.

We ended the evening at my brother's house. Thank you Douglass' for opening up your doors and scaring us. Chris, my brother, set up a leaf blower with a garbage bag tied to it to scare the trick or treaters. Tyler loved it!

If you are local and looking for Halloween fun next year, consider North Cleveland Church of God. It was great and I am so thankful that our church provided a fun, family activity.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Mother's Heart

My mom's birthday is this weekend. I won't list her age here, for fear of retaliation. My mom is not the one in the limelight. She normally stands in the background allowing others around her to shine. I didn't appreciate this about her until I was an adult. I realize that it takes a special person to nurture and love and allow others to reap the adoration and accolades. Thank you mom for doing this for me.

I was reminded tonight how difficult it is to be a mother and have to carry the burden that is a mother's heart. Ethan had his final football game. His team made it to the Superbowl. Ethan started the season rough. He was one of the smallest kids and a little tentative at times. Half way through the season, he was as tough as they come. He could block kids twice his size and always stayed in his position. He didn't take the bait and leave his side of the field unmanned. He is a smart player. He was so excited about the Superbowl.

When the game started, Ethan was playing. He played the entire first quarter and his team scored two touchdowns and the other team did not score at all. After the first quarter, Ethan was pulled from the game and sat on the sidelines. Ethan is used to having to sit out a quarter because the rules say that everyone has to play one quarter. The problem was that the coach never put Ethan back in the game. The other team ended up scoring three touchdowns. (Two of them were on Ethan's side of the field where he normally blocks.) Chris and I were both very upset. Chris spoke with one of the assistant coach's after the game and he spoke about all the kids having to play a quarter. I was upset but held it together until I went to get Ethan after the game. When I walked up with my camera to take his picture with the runner up trophy, my heart broke. Ethan's eyes were red from crying the entire second half because he was forced to stand on the sidelines. He came up and gave me a hug and whispered, "I only got to play eight minutes tonight." That's when my tears started right there on the field in front of everyone. I was so angry and resisted the urge to talk to the coach and felt some justice that Ethan's team had lost without him. (I know this is petty.)

That's when I knew I have a mother's heart. I would have paid any amount of money, sat out of the game myself, or yelled at the coach to protect my son tonight. I know Ethan learned a valuable lesson tonight, but it hurt my heart. It made me wonder how many times has my mother had to bite her tongue and sit back and watch me get hurt. Thank you mom for sticking up for me just enough to let me know you care but not so much that I didn't learn the truth about life. I may not have gotten the role for Annie in third grade, but I definitely remember you waiting in line with me. I may not have earned the role in the commercial, but thank you for taking me to the auditions. I may not have been crowned Jr. Miss, but thank you for insisting that I was robbed and supporting me. The injustice and failures growing up are so many, but the support and love through it all made it bearable for me even though I know if often broke your heart. It is difficult being a mother. Sometimes the love I feel for my boys makes me ache. Thank you, Mom. It's a tough role and you continue to fill it well. I love you!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

My father turns 61 on Monday, October 26th. (Sorry I posted that on my blog, Dad.) I thought a long time about what to get him for his birthday and I came up with a book that I've wanted to read and I think he will enjoy. (You will get it in the mail soon.) The problem with buying my parents gifts is that the gifts always seem to fall short. It normally involves pictures of my kids. This year I wanted to honor my Father with a testimony of his great legacy. Four years ago Chris lost his job and I was d
evastated. I was not working at the time and wasn't sure how we were going to make it. My Father gave me this boat. It sits on my bookshelf in my family room as an altar. It makes me remember the faith of my earthly Father and the faithfulness of my heavenly Father. God provided in ways that I would not have imagined and even though it took me far from my parents, it took me deeper in my walk with God. I learned to trust God. My dad had two heart attacks before we left Ohio and I set a fleece out for God. I told God that if He wanted us to move then I needed the house sold in a week. It sold in two days. I have never worried about my dad's health since then. I know that he is in the hand of God. Thank you dad for your faith and love. I hope you realize and know the legacy of truth that you have started and that will continue for generations, God willing. Thank you for leading us in the paths of righteousness so we can lead our children. Happy birthday! God is faithful!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Make New Friends But Keep the Old...

When I was in girl scouts we used to sing a song that said, "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold." I now know that is true. While I was in Ohio my playgroup friends were so gracious to take time out of their busy schedules to visit with me and the boys. I always thought our children would grow up together. The boys played great with their first friends. It was great to catch up with the girls. I really miss you both! Thank you for taking the time and hopefully we can have more time the next chance I have to visit Marysville. You know you are always welcome down south. Love ya!
The Number One Zoo

We went to the Columbus Zoo while we were in Columbus. It was cold, but that meant the zoo was nearly empty. The man at the front entrance informed me that the Columbus Zoo is the number one zoo in the country but I have a feeling they all say that. It was really nice. I was happy to have so many buildings that were warm. The best part of the zoo was spending time with my Dad. My father is the County Director for Senior Citizens and Transportation and it happened to be his annual trip to the zoo so we met him there. It was like being with a super star. Every Senior Citizen knew him and twice random people walked up and said hi and introduced themselves. The final straw was when a random woman came up and started taking pictures of us. I found out later that it was one of my father's employees and that she was taking pictures for the County website. I found it all very humorous. Tyler thought that Papa worked for the zoo. He kept saying, "Go ahead Papa, you work here."

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tyler's 5!
Aiden and Tyler with Chuck E. Cheese

Tyler turned 5 years old while we were in Ohio. My wonderful father scheduled a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's with all of the cousins. (Thanks, Dad!) Tyler had the best time. When we arrived there was a giant balloon with Tyler written on it and a blow-up crown filled with gold tokens. My dad ordered a special GI Joe cake for Tyler. I love to watch Ethan and Tyler playing with their four cousins in Ohio. I wish we could see them more often. I just hope they grow up to be close to each other.

Tyler blowing out his candles

Aiden and Tyler

Tyler and Riley

Riley and Tyler

Fall Break

The boys and I went to Ohio for fall break. It was cold! Who knew that people broke out Ugg boots in October. I don't even think about it until December. It was nice to do fall activities with the weather a little chilly. We went to Leed's Pumpkin Farm on Sunday. The boys loved the mini zip line and Tyler loved the banana train. I think Ethan was a little old for it, but he rode it for his brother. We picked out mini pumpkins and watched kettle corn being made. It was delicious!

On Monday, my parents took us to Old Man's Cave. I can't believe I lived in Ohio and never visited before. W hiked most of the afternoon. I always thought that Ohio was flat. My brother-in-law always says that you can watch your dog run away for three days in Ohio. Who knew that Southern Ohio had mountains and caves and amazing rock formations. We even found a letterbox at Ash cave. I think my father was just as excited and amazed as the kids at finding the 'secret hidden treasure box.'

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Touchdown Dance

Tyler's football season ended this week. He loved it and was very good at it. He did get in trouble for trash talking the other team while he was on the line. He told one of the kids that he was going to "kick his butt!" I just shook my head and cringed. That's Tyler. I don't know how he managed to score so many touchdowns because he is not that fast. He always managed to stay one or two steps ahead of his opponents.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Night Football

We had two football games tonight. Tyler played at 6:00 and Ethan played at 7:15. Tyler's game was fun and relaxing and Ethan's game was tense. Tyler started the evening off with a bang. He refuses to wear his mouth guard and chews on his flag instead. (It is flag football.) I know, swine flu and all, but if the kid hasn't got sick yet, the football flag probably won't either. He scored a touchdown but refused to do his touchdown dance. I guess he is over that. He also scored an extra point. He is definitly one of the most exciting kids on the field to watch.

Ethan's game was close and his team won by one touchdown. The other team ran out of time on the eight yard line. Ethan played his heart out. He walked off the field with a swollen hand (hope there are no broken bones) and more bruises than we can count. He tackeled the other quarterback in their endzone for a safety. I was so happy. I told him at half time that he scored two points for his team by doing that and his response was "Really?, Cool." I think football has finally clicked and he loves it now.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Touchdown Dance

Tyler had his first football game last Saturday. I warned his coach that Tyler likes to talk and for the coach to feel free to ask Tyler to be quiet if necessary. The rest of the kids looked a little overwhelmed, but not Tyler. In their first huddle I heard him say, "Do you want to see my touchdown dance?" to the coach. The coach said sure with some hesitation. Tyler proceeded to clap his hands and dance back and forth. I hid my head and laughed. Tyler begged to carry the ball. On his first attempt someone grabbed his flag. This resulted in tears. On the second attempt, he ran the ball the length of the field for a touchdown. He lost a shoe in the process, but that didn't slow him down. He played good defense and grabbed a couple of flags and even managed to tackle a kid even though that is not allowed. Tyler is never one to follow the rules. I have to say that watching 3-5 year olds play football is even funnier than watching them play baseball. I wish it could stay this fun.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Amazing Labor Day Weekend

We decided to go to Atlanta on Sunday to watch the Braves play the Cincinnati Reds. The Braves lost in extra innings. It was hot and miserable in the sun. I took Tyler to Tooner Town and we spent a lot of the game in the shade. The best part of the day was the concert after the game. Matthew West sang after the game and several Braves players spoke and gave their testimonies. Ethan says that Matthew West is his favorite singer and Tyler can't stop singing "Going Through the Motions." We had amazing seats and despite the fact that it was loud, Tyler fell asleep during the second song. I guess it was too long of a day for him.

Tyler hitting a homerun at Tooner Field

Matt Diaz, player for the Braves. His testimony was amazing.Matthew West