Sunday, February 28, 2010

Self Reflection

I usually use this space to share stories and events about my family, but I feel led to post something personal. Sometimes I read other peoples blogs or facebook pages and start feeling less than a successful person. I think we all fall into a trap of posting the best or funniest moments from our lives and we often hide the struggles we face day to day. I'm not saying we need to air our dirty laundry online or even be 'debbie downers', but I wanted everyone to know that I struggle.

I was raised in an amazing Christian home and I would not trade it for anything. I came to know Christ as a child and have seen the Spirit move and direct my life and that of my family. As an adult, I have attended a wide variety of churches from those that do admit to supressing the work of the Holy Spirit to those that seem to go into a state of chaos. I have felt comfortable in neither. I love my church now, but still struggle with the inner question of who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in my life? I know that the Spirit lives in me, but sometimes I don't see His fruit. (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience (Ok, this is the big one) Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faith and Self-Control) If He abides in me, then shouldn't these gifts be the outward evidence to those around me?

Friday morning my friend and youth pastor, Clark, gave me a book entitled "Forgotten God, Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit" by Francis Chan. It is written by a man who grew up baptist. He has no religious affiliation and does not seem to want to promote 'his side,' just find the truth from the Bible. I am 50 pages into the book and highly suggest it. I am seeking the truth. If you have ever looked at "those Pentecostals" and wondered why they act that way or judged the "non spirit-filled" and look at them as less than you, I would suggest this book. It simply searches for the truth of who the Holy Spirit is and what his role in our lives should be on a daily basis. Please join me on this journey. My only motive is to become more like Christ.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I will never understand my son, Tyler. As my father says, "his brain works differently." To know Tyler is to love him and be exasperated by him. My friend at work, Donna, says were in for fun in the future.

Ethan was sick over the weekend so I put an empty, plastic trashcan in his room for emergencies. Emergencies of course means throwing up. I thought everyone knew this. Sunday night, Chris and I walked into the boys' room to find the trash can in the middle of the room with urine in it. Tyler then explained that he had to pee and it provided convenience. We do live in a house with three toilets and four people so I suppose it could be justified, but seriously? Needless to say, I lost my temper and had to apologize later. I need to learn to laugh more about Tyler and not take everything so seriously with him. He did scrub the trashcan out with Lysol. I can't wait to see what's next...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

On Friday night we joined the crowds at the local theater to see Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I read the books a few months ago and have been waiting to take my kids. It was fantastic! My boys loved it and I'm considering reading the books to them. I ran into several students and other teachers there and we briefly discussed the movie. It is a little scary, but knowing Tyler, nothing scares him.

Saturday morning Ethan woke up with a sore throat. A few hours later, his temperature was at 102.5. I tried to take him to the clinic, but it had closed already. I doped him up on Tylenol and sent him to bed. Chris took him on Sunday morning and we found out he had strep throat. Poor kid!

As far as Valentine gifts, Tyler chose a Wonder Woman Bear for me and Ethan picked out Choxie Chocolates from Target. They are my favorite! Chris got me a pair of earrings. The funniest part was that Chris and I picked out the exact same card for each other at totally different stores. Do we know each other, or what? It was the least sentimental card with a simple "I Love You!" Chris got the Direct TV March Madness package so he can watch all the games at one time. What was I thinking?

We spent the weekend relaxing since Ethan was sick. It was a nice weekend at home. Hopefully next weekend everyone will be well and we can actually have an exciting post with exciting pictures.

I do have to share one exciting thing because I am living vicariously through my sister. My brother and his wife went to Nashville to visit my sister and they went to see the Black Eyed Peas. Wild Bill, my sister's boyfriend, got them backstage passes. So jealous! I think Bon Jovi is coming to Nashville soon. What do you say, Bill? Love you guys!

Monday, February 01, 2010

Snowed In
(I love the South)

School was released in a panic on Friday. Snow was on the way. We had to get home before it started. I looked outside my classroom window and sure enough, it was sunny and there were birds. You gotta love the south. By the time I left Walker Valley and picked up my two kids the flakes began to fall. By the early evening there was a beautiful covering. I braved the crowds at the RedBox and we settled in front of the fire for movie night.

The ice came on Friday night and Saturday morning. I admit that it was bad, but by Saturday afternoon it seemed fine to a northerner like myself. We did brave church on Sunday, but we were among the few. Several churches in town cancelled. Chris reminded me that there is no salt on the roads here and the people are not prepared to sprinkle salt for themselves on the sidewalks or parking lots.

The best part of the weekend came on Sunday evening when I received a phone call telling me that school would be cancelled on Monday. I love my job! The boys and I spent a relaxing day at home with an afternoon outing for haircuts. (By the way, they cut Tyler's hair completely off. I am a bit sad. Pictures will follow when I can bear to take them.)

Several Jane Austen movies later, I believe that I am ready to return to school. I have 4 day weeks for the next three weeks. Did I mention that I love my job?