Sunday, February 28, 2010

Self Reflection

I usually use this space to share stories and events about my family, but I feel led to post something personal. Sometimes I read other peoples blogs or facebook pages and start feeling less than a successful person. I think we all fall into a trap of posting the best or funniest moments from our lives and we often hide the struggles we face day to day. I'm not saying we need to air our dirty laundry online or even be 'debbie downers', but I wanted everyone to know that I struggle.

I was raised in an amazing Christian home and I would not trade it for anything. I came to know Christ as a child and have seen the Spirit move and direct my life and that of my family. As an adult, I have attended a wide variety of churches from those that do admit to supressing the work of the Holy Spirit to those that seem to go into a state of chaos. I have felt comfortable in neither. I love my church now, but still struggle with the inner question of who is the Holy Spirit and what is His role in my life? I know that the Spirit lives in me, but sometimes I don't see His fruit. (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience (Ok, this is the big one) Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness, Faith and Self-Control) If He abides in me, then shouldn't these gifts be the outward evidence to those around me?

Friday morning my friend and youth pastor, Clark, gave me a book entitled "Forgotten God, Reversing our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit" by Francis Chan. It is written by a man who grew up baptist. He has no religious affiliation and does not seem to want to promote 'his side,' just find the truth from the Bible. I am 50 pages into the book and highly suggest it. I am seeking the truth. If you have ever looked at "those Pentecostals" and wondered why they act that way or judged the "non spirit-filled" and look at them as less than you, I would suggest this book. It simply searches for the truth of who the Holy Spirit is and what his role in our lives should be on a daily basis. Please join me on this journey. My only motive is to become more like Christ.


Staci said...

We actually have this book, but neither one of us have read it. Thank you for encouraging me to read it.

MiniCircus said...

wait a minute... you are on facebook? find me... I can't find you!!

The Holy Spirit works in very mysterious ways! He guides you so that you believe you are making free will decisions, when in fact he is working in your life. Good luck with your journey!