Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Weekend with the Douglass'
Tyler singing with Papa

My parents came down from Ohio to spend the weekend and New Year's Day with us. I am so glad that they made the trip down. I was dreading the drive up there. Papa bought Tyler High School Musical for the Wii. The boys love it! (Ok, I secretly love it too; swing choir flash back days.) I invited my brother, Chris, and his wife and kids over to spend the day. Everyone had to take a turn with the mikes. I definitely see rock band in our future. (So jealous that you got one, Beth). I think Tyler was definitely more into the dancing then the singing.

Joy singing with Aunt Amber (I had to do the motions:)

Joy and Ethan (Don't they look like they could be brother and sister.)


Staci said...

Amber...the picture of you cracks me up. I miss you guys so much...the new job pays better but that's all that is better!

MiniCircus said...

Amber, you are right, Matt Levy has been Cole's coach for years, his son is Cole's best friend. He is fabulous and probably the whole reason we love soccer.