Sunday, January 18, 2009

Over the River and Through the Woods...

Grandma and Tyler

Grandpa and Tyler

When we pulled into Ohio on Friday night, our SUV said the temperature was -22 degrees. Yes, that is 22 degrees below zero. I was beginning to think that we were crazy for coming up from Tennessee. (Although it was 8 degrees on Friday morning we left the great south.) I figured if it was going to be cold, we might as well go where there was snow. The boys had so much fun. I had to throw my caution to the wind and let the boys play outside with Papa. He took them each on the four wheeler. He then proceeded to hook the sled to the back of the four wheeler and pull them through the woods. Chris and I hiked through the woods following them. We ended the day with hot chocolate and a movie. Now that is my idea of fun! Anything to stay warm.

1 comment:

MiniCircus said...

It is cold here... bummed we didn't get to see you, but know you are busy with your family. Next time, give us a call, even if you only have a second, would love to see you all.