Sunday, December 21, 2008

Titans -vs- Steelers

For Chris' Christmas gift, I got him tickets to see the Titans play the Steelers in Nashville. He has never seen the Steelers play even thought it is his favorite NFL team. We all went to Nashville to spend the weekend with my sister. We had a great time on Saturday at her boyfriend's, Brandon, family holiday celebration. His aunt owns 1000 acres in Nashville and the most amazing Log Cabin. Everyone was so nice.

I planned on going shopping during the game on Sunday with Jessie, but Tyler woke up in the middle of the night throwing up everywhere. (Sorry, Jessie) My sister was a trooper. If I didn't have kids and someone elses kid vomited on me twice during the night, I would freak. She was so loving and gentle with Ty. I owe you big time, Jess.

Chris took Ethan to the game on Sunday. The high for the day was 32 degrees. That is freezing for TN. They bundled up and braved the cold. Despite the fact that the Steelers lost, they had a great time. Ethan felt so grown up to get the chance to attend a real NFL game.

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