Sunday, November 02, 2008

Snow Optional

It was such a nice Sunday afternoon that Chris suggested we visit downtown Chattanooga. We spent about an hour at the aquarium and then walked around and looked at the boats. The boat I wanted pulled up to the dock. Chris said I could get one when I get tenure at the high school. I don't think he realizes I get tenure this year and it doesn't mean any more money. Oh well, I can dream.

Chris came downtown prepared this time. He put a couple sheets of cardboard in the suv and we went sledding next to the river. It was great to see all the kids and adults out sledding down the hill. I went one time and spun around backwards. It was enough excitement for me. Tyler was fearless. He went down on his belly, backwards, and even tried to go down standing up. I quickly stopped this. Ethan was going down standing up by the end of the afternoon. This was so much fun! After we wore ourselves out, we at on the patio at the Mexcian Restaurant downtown. It was a great, but exhausting day!

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