Sunday, July 05, 2009

Fun with Grandpa and Grandma

Tyler squirting Papa

My parents came to Tennessee to spend park of their summer vacation with us. We hung out at my brother's pool. Tyler is vicious when it comes to water war. He thinks it is funny to shoot people with the water cannon. Ethan continues to improve his swimming ability, but will never be a fish. It was nice to see the boys spending time with their cousins.
Cousin Joy and Ethan

We also went to the Knoxville Zoo. It was such a beautiful day! I kept telling my parents it isn't always hot in Tennessee. Thankfully, they had a chance to enjoy the nice day for themselves. It was in the 80's and there was a nice breeze. The zoo had so much shade and the animals were pretty active.
Papa with the Grandkids (Papa is the one not dressed like a lion)

Me, Jenny, Joy, Justin, Chris (my brother), Ethan, Papa, Mama, and Tyler

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