Friday, April 24, 2009

Playing with the Big Boys

Ethan's baseball organization was invited to the local high schools to go on the field with the players. (It helps to work at the high school and have the baseball coach as a friend.) We went to Bradley High on Tuesday night. The boys had fun, but I was more excited about going to Walker Valley, my school, and showing up our competition. On Wednesday night, we went to Walker. The high school players were so nice to the little league boys. They ran out on the field with them and took time with each one. I'm so proud of my students. They also gave all the boys a free coke and hotdog. I know, I'm a cheap date and it does not take much to impress me. Ethan had a great time. I can't imagine the day when he too is on the big field and he is one of the 'big boys'.

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