Monday, February 02, 2009

Half a Snow Day

It started snowing around 10:00 am this morning. We were already in school. I had a difficult time keeping my students' attention. At 12:00 it had not stopped snowing so they let us go home. There was maybe a half an inch on the ground. I picked the kids up from their schools and brought them home. Immediately, they dressed in their snow pants and went outside to play. About 30 minutes later, Chris checked on them and discovered that they had built a snow man. I was expecting a small, pitiful snowman, but they did very well with the little amount of snow outside. It is now 3:15 and the snow is almost completely gone. That's the south for you. I'm sure our snow man will stand for a few days. Notice the hat on the snowman. This was a tribute to Chris.

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