Friday, September 04, 2009

Good Job Pujols...

Tyler was with Chris watching the All Star game this summer and Albert Pujols (pronounced Poo-holes) made a bad play. Chris said, "Good job, Pujols!" Now Tyler says it all the time in his most sarcastic voice. I have to admit it is pretty funny even though it sounds so bad.

I told my students at school this story to help them understand Tyler (even I don't understand Tyler). They thought it was hilarious and decided it should become the next popular saying. Now everytime one of us makes a mistake someone in the class says "Good job, Pujols!" We all laugh. I can't wait til I get a call from another teacher about this or even a parent.

I told Tyler yesterday that his new phrase was the cool thing at Walker Valley. He admited that his phrase was kinda funny. I then explained it was funny but we had to be careful where we said it because not everyone would understand it. Tyler said, "I can't say it at my school because it is a Jesus school." I did my best not to laugh. Will Tyler still be this funny when he is 16?

1 comment:

Janna Mann said...

This made me laugh ... not only because of the whole progression of the phrase, but how you say "even I don't understand him". I feel the same way about Myles!! What is it with those two?? They crack me up. Maybe if we perservere they WILL become productive members of society! hehe Still bummed ya'll can't hang out tomorrow - but have fun at the game.