Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Break So Far

This week is our spring break. We are chilling at home and enjoying
the down time. I started celebrating the time off by having a class party on Friday for Pi Day. My students brought in some great food. Pi day (March 14, 3/14, 3.14...) is one of the few perks of being a a math teacher and a true dork. I wore my Pi sweatshirt that Chris got me for Christmas. Now the students really think I am a dork. Oh well...

On Sunday I took the boys to the circus and then to a new cupcake store on the North Shore. We had a great day!

On Monday, Ethan decided to play basketball with my Volvo parked under the hoop. The ball hit the rim and ricocheted off the rim and crashed into the sunroof. The inside of my car was covered in glass. Poor Ethan cried and felt so bad. Fortunately, God brought to my mind my past mistakes and I was able to take Ethan in my arms and not scold him but console him. (Remember the two wrecked cars in the driveway, Dad? You never got mad at me. Thank you. Mom did watch me back out of the driveway for weeks afterward though.)

On Tuesday, I was excited about going to Target when I walked out of the house and found this. Yes, that is Tyler on the Envoy! He did not get my comfort. Tyler did not understand why he couldn't play on top of the vehicles. I can't wait to see what happens with the rest of our week.

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