Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Sick, New Year

We spent New Years with Chris' family in South Carolina. The day after we arrived, New Year's Eve, Chris' dad, Leonard, came down with a stomach virus. He spent most of the day in bed. We entertained ourselves while Chris' mom, Janice, ran the shop. That night, Chris' sister, Valen, invited us over to ring in the New Year. Thank you Valen for getting us out of the house. I felt so bad that Chris' dad was sick. We left on Saturday morning to drive home. Saturday evening after all the bags were unloaded and laundry was done, Ethan threw up. He was up all night and thanks to my awesome husband, I did not have to clean up and vomit. I can't handle it! We stayed home from church on Sunday so Ethan could recoup.

I started school on Monday and the week progressed. I woke up Thursday morning with an ailing stomach. Fortunately, we were sent home early that afternoon for snow and I spent Thursday and all day Friday in bed with a stomach virus. I hate being sick! By Saturday I was much better and up cleaning the house.

I decided to invite my brother and his family over Saturday night since we hadn't seen them since before Christmas. We were enjoying fellowship and pizza when I heard the kids yell from downstairs, "Tyler threw up!" Needless to say, we were up all night with Tyler and he spent Sunday at home with a very high fever. My husband, the super hero, stayed home with him on Monday so he could recover fully. I think we are all well now and I am praying Chris does not get sick. We have plans to go to Nashville this weekend and it would be miserable if we had to cancel.

My New Year's Resolution is to be healthy this year. Yeah right...

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