Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Stone Mountain Christmas

We went to Stone Mountain, Georgia on Saturday. It was worth the two hour drive. There was so much to do and we didn't even see all of the shows. We started with a fried chicken lunch. It is the south. We watched the Polar Express 4D experience. Tyler and Ethan loved it. It spit water out at you and it smelled like hot chocolate at the right moments. We rode the cable lift to the top of the mountain. We only spent a few minutes at the top. It was so cold!

We visited Hilda the Christmas Goat. He was a cartoon character that interacted with the kids. He talked to Tyler and called him by name. Tyler just thought that was amazing. We rode the train and played mini golf. My favorite part was the unlimited hot chocolate. We ended the evening with the laser light show. It was a great way to celebrate the holidays.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I know it has been a few weeks since Thanksgiving, but I'm just now getting around to posting pictures. My mom and dad came down from Ohio and my sister, Jessica, came over from Nashville. It was an amazing weekend. We spent Thanksgiving at my brother's house. His wife, Jennifer, did a great job organizing everything and opening up her home. My sister made the great centerpieces and the table was beautiful.

After lunch, we spent the afternoon outside. Our friend from Nashville, Wild Bill, brought the kids scooters. They rode up and down the street all afternoon. Chris even took a turn on Bill's remote controlled skateboard. Thank you to my family for such a great weekend. I love you all.
My Amazing Husband

Yesterday, December 7th, was our 13th anniversary. I wanted to take this opportunity to brag on my husband. Chris is an amazing father. He constantly spends time with our boys throwing baseball or rough housing in the yard. He took them to a movie on Sunday so I could have the house for my monthly book club. He even missed the games on TV that day. What a man!

Chris is an amazing husband. He does all of the laundry and it magically appears in my drawer folded. He cleaned the house on Saturday for my book club friends, including the bathrooms. (You know this is a huge undertaking if you have little boys.)

On Sunday, Pastor Seals gave the husbands helpful hints on how to be a blessing to their wives. Chris nailed everyone on the list. He makes the coffee in the morning and gets the kids ready for school. He even takes the kids to school in the morning.

I know by now you are asking, "What does Amber do?" Honestly, not much. Chris is a true servant and leads our family by showing sacrificial love. I am truly blessed to be married to such an incredible man.

Chris: I can't wait to spend the next 13 years with you! I love you!